The Right Strategy to Pass ACCA exams in First Attempt

by Fahad Zar
5 minutes read
pass acca exams in first attempt

Firstly, let’s all agree that ACCA is tough. It takes a lot of hardwork and dedication to clear ACCA examinations. Even after spending hundreds of hours studying for the ACCA examination, there’s no guarantee that you will pass. It is an advanced qualification and the examiners love to make a challenging Paper.

BUT, what if I tell you that clearing the ACCA certification doesn’t only require hundreds of study hours. It takes a lot more and that’s what makes it different from “traditional” qualifications.

Ever heard the phrase “Your Journey with ACCA”? yes, they use the term “journey” for a reason. In order to get to the destination, you have to cross those “steepy cliffs”, which ultimately will transform you into a more active and dedicated professional. In this article, I will briefly discuss some techniques that will help you pass your ACCA exams on the first attempt and the ACCA psyche that you need to understand.

Plan Ahead

The moment you start your ACCA journey, carefully plan your examinations, and prepare yourself accordingly. The planning includes reading the course contents before selecting a paper, whether to self-study or get enrolled in a class taking into consideration the complexity of the paper, and most importantly, understanding the mind of the examiner.

Every examiner has his own priorities and looks for certain traits and skills in a candidate. The trait could be your analysis/interpretation or breaking down an issue into a simple & understandable form to make it helpful for the stakeholders.

Some techniques to get to know more about the examiner are as follows:

  • Read examiner’s reports and general articles by the examiner on the ACCA’s official website. The examiner’s report is the examiner’s take on the previous examination pointing out the mistakes made by students and highlighting the weak points of the majority. Also, the examiner takes answers from solved papers to rate & mark, making some changes that could transform it into a full mark answer.
  • Going through past papers by the current examiner is another way to attain an in-depth understanding of the examiner’s mind. We all know ACCA is technical. BUT, technicality varies with each one of us and the examiner is no different. The type and level of technicality required could be found in past papers and could give you an edge in your preparation.
  • Another way is to meet and consult the students who have appeared in the exam before. Take a brief interview of those who have passed and the unlucky ones as well. You will have an idea of what & how to present; and what not to do.

Stick to the Plan

The quote from Muhammad Ali Jinnah “think a thousand times before doing something but once you’ve decided, don’t back off” even applies in ACCA. The problem with the ACCA examination is the short 3-month preparatory period. You cannot just spend a week selecting your paper and then reconsidering your decision till the big day.

Select your subject(s) carefully, taking into consideration the pros and cons of opting for a particular subject. Once done with the planning phase, master the basics and slowly jump into the advance topics. If you are having issues understanding a topic, chances are that you have not fully grasped the basics.

While studying for ACCA, there comes a point where you need help from a teacher or a senior. Therefore, once you select a paper, make relevant connections, and seek advice & guidance where needed.

First Attempt is the Last Attempt

The human mind is ridiculous in various ways. Keeping a winning mindset could really uplift your ACCA game. Make a list of the course contents and cover ALL of the topics chronologically or as per your like but never miss a topic, however small it looks. Do every possible technicality exercise and think about taking a distinction.

Note that distinctions are only given on first attempts in ACCA examinations. With that in mind, you will be more confidant and scoring passing marks will become much easier.

Be Consistent

ACCA covers a wide range of subjects and topics. Every student has personal favorites but it also has a problem. The problem of studying for a paper even if you don’t like it. The fundamental and skill module does not give the option to drop a paper or two and ALL of the papers are compulsory. Consequently, students get tired and bored studying things that they don’t like. BUT, what option do they have!?

Love it or hate it but you still have to study which requires consistency. Consistency in waking up early to attend that boring class. Consistency in sitting for hours figuring out solutions to a question and most importantly, consistency in learning and digesting new things every day.

The Wisdom lies in your health

Your physical and mental health is important both for personal and professional life. Studying without breaks and not exercising not only ruins your health but affects your efficiency in studying. Take short breaks every now and then and exercise minimum 5 days a week to keep your brains healthier. Most importantly, take a good night sleep the night before exam. Best of luck and try to Ace ALL of your ACCA examinations in the first go.

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