What is a Double Entry in Accounting?

by Fahad Zar
5 minutes read

Double entry is probably one of the most used words in financial accounting. Whether you’re a knowledge geek or a potential accounting student, knowing the definition and the explanation of the double-entry system could be of much help.

Definition of Double Entry

A double-entry system in accounting is a bookkeeping system that refers to a system in which transactions are recorded in such a way that each entry is recorded twice, first as a debit and second as a credit. That simply means a double entry is recording a transaction in a way that results in recording two entries. The two entries are called credit and debit.

For example, if a business makes a credit sale, the double entry for the sale would be Dr accounts receivable, Cr sales; where Dr stands for Debit and Cr stands for Credit.

DebitAccount Receivable

How the Double-Entry system originated?

The previous version (way back!) of bookkeeping was a single-entry system which reportedly was changed by the Italians and they introduced the double-entry bookkeeping system. The single system bookkeeping had a lot of cons, the prime being the inability to know whether the transactions have been entered correctly.

The double-entry bookkeeping system is preferred because at the end of the day or session, you can review your transactions and if the credits and debits don’t match, that’s a sign that something must have gone wrong while recording the transactions.

How does the double-entry system work?

If a business makes any kind of transaction, bookkeepers record the transaction in its respective accounts. Let me simply explain how exactly double-entry bookkeeping works.

Remember newton saying; for every action, there is the same opposite reaction? In an exact way, for every entry in a double-entry bookkeeping system, there is the same opposite entry. If you enter a debit entry, it must be followed by a credit entry and vice versa. The following is a simple illustration of how the double-entry system works.


A transaction is any type of monetary dealing that takes place in a business. If a transaction has occurred, it must be recorded in its respective account(s) according to its accounting principle/standard.


Once you identify a transaction, think about its effect on the accounts. For each transaction, you need to identify the related accounts. For example, if a business purchases an asset for cash; an asset is added at the expense of cost. The asset is debited to the respective asset account which would be PPE if it’s a non-current asset or if the business has purchased goods, the inventory account is debited. The corresponding credit entry would be Cr Cash.

Basically, in the double-entry bookkeeping system, for every entry into an account, there needs to be a corresponding and opposite entry into a different account. Another key thing to remember is that a debit or credit could be entered into more than one account. That means, TWO accounts can be debited with a single credit entry but the amount of credit and debit would still remain the same.

For example, if a business makes a sale of $100 and receives only $50 cash. The remaining $50 would be recorded in the receivable account thus resulting in a total of 3 entries. The entries for this transaction would be:

Dr Cash$50
Dr A/R$50
Cr Sales$100


The primary reason why companies perform double-entry bookkeeping is to keep track of their business activities and to ensure that the accounts remain balanced. Having a balanced and accurate bookkeeping system is vital for the company to review and analyze its records, and present them to current & potential shareholders and other external stakeholders including tax authorities, government bodies, suppliers, etc…

The double-entry bookkeeping system is structured in a way that takes into consideration the foundational accounting principle, Assets=Liabilities+Equity.

That being said, in the double-entry system, if an asset is recorded in the system, a corresponding liability or equity must be recorded to keep the accounts balanced. In the same way, for equity or liability, an asset entry must be made to keep things balanced.


Debit balance is normally written on the left side of the entry and credit on the right side. To make things transparent and easy to understand, a system called T-Accounts is used in bookkeeping. In a T-account system, a big T (alphabet) is drawn and a debit entry is entered on the left while a corresponding credit on the right.

The system is primarily used in schools and colleges to make the double-entry system easier to understand for students but it is used by senior and experienced accountants globally due to its transparency and popularity.

T-account does not change anything in the double system and it is just a graphical representation system for accounting entries. Below is an illustration of what a T-account entry looks like.

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