Can I PASS ACCA with selfstudy?

by Sehar Javed
5 minutes read
Can I pass ACCA with self study

Well, it’s a tough one to answer. There are many hardships related to studies in ACCA. Many students think that ACCA is one of the difficult paths in educational careers to pursue and they might be right. But the question is, if the student has got himself into this path, now what next? How he or she will mark his name.

The focus and hard work of the student will take him to his destination where he or she will be called an “associate certified chartered accountant.”

Students and mostly beginners usually have so many doubts and questions in their mind, one of the question is that “can they pass ACCA with self-study?

The answer is YES. A student with high determination and full focus can achieve their desired marks with self-study. The student just has to believe in his capabilities and stay sharp & bold throughout.

Make a proper time table

  • Take out at least 3-4 hours daily for your study and at that time, just make sure that you are 100% into your studies. That being said, keep your smartphone and other obstacles aside.
  • Make a list of topics and assign yourself daily tasks, and by the end of the day, make sure to complete the tasks.

Gathering your ACCA Study Material

Internet is full of different useful material relevant to ACCA. There are many websites and platforms through which you can gain a lot of knowledge.

Most importantly ACCA’s Official Website is full of notes, articles and videos relevant to all subjects of ACCA, and they also do PRACTICE-TO-PASS-WEBINARS before every attempt of paper and also they have recorded webinars too on their website 24/7 available for students.

Furthermore, there are hundreds of useful websites that offer free study material for ACCA. Some websites out there offer paid courses and paper-specific guidance.

Following is a list of some important websites for ACCA self study students:

  • Opentuition: This site gives you all relevant material in pdf form and also it has video lectures uploaded there. it is all free of cost.
  • Economic Grapevine: Economic Grapevine uploads the latest study resources that you need in order to study for your ACCA exams. In addition, we have paper-specific technical articles and exam-style mock exams that help you prepare better for exams.

Here’s the full list of useful websites for ACCA students.

Books, Kits and Past papers

Try to read the book thoroughly twice or thrice, and then jump directly to kits and solve as many questions as you can. highly recommended books and kits are BPP and Kaplan. Make sure to complete at least one of them, either BPP or KAPLAN. If you got extra time, do both of them. It’ll be the cherry on the cake.

After completing textbooks and kits, make sure you have enough time to solve past papers which are also available on ACCA official website. Take mocks in exam conditions. The mocks are offered by ACCA Global and a lot of other websites for FREE.

Make a good ‘self-study’ circle

Most importantly try to surround yourself with people who have the same goal as you have, or at least with those people who motivate you to achieve your goal. It will increase chances of you passing the paper

Consult with your seniors, that how they passed their exams and in case of their failures, what they think were the causes of their failure.

Furthermore, there are many online communities on different websites where students preparing for a paper collaborate with each other to create synergies. I suggest OpenTuition’s Students Forum.

Examiner’s report

It is one of the best resources to find out what the examiner wants from students in the exam. Students must read at least one time the whole report, it will help a lot in attempting the questions in the paper, it will guide you with the perfect technique to attempt the paper.

Technical Articles

Another great way to learn topics faster and easier. In ACCA Global’s technical articles section, different topics of a subject are explained through in-depth articles and questions from past papers are solved to help students develop a winning answer technique.

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