Top 4 websites for ACCA students

by ACCA Grapevine
7 minutes read
top websites for acca

There are numerous websites and platforms that offer Support, lectures, and study material to ACCA students. Some totally free while others charge a certain fee to get their services going.

Today I’m going to share a list of the 5 most helpful websites for ACCA students. Note that, being an affiliate, the list is purely based on my own experience with the sites.

Here’s the list of 5 cool websites that every ACCA student should have a look. These websites never fail to impress, especially students who chose to self-study for ACCA exams.



Every ACCA student knows about the ACCA’s official website but not everyone explores the site as they should. The ACCA’s website doesn’t just brag about the value it provides. It offers much more!

There are many valuable sections on the website. However, I’ll specifically talk about ones that are meant to help students better prepare their papers.

Starting from my most favorite one:

Technical Articles

This section critically explains major topics of each subject with examples and calculations. In ACCA, It is really important to understand the logic behind a certain topic and the traditional number crunching will do you no good.

Therefore, while preparing a paper, go through the technical articles for that paper to understand the bigger picture.

Examiner’s report

Another amazing section of the website in which the examiner examines a few questions from different past papers and underlines the do’s and don’ts.

It can help you avoid the mistakes and adopt a winning technique to write your answers.

Mock Exams

Taking a mock exam makes you more comfortable with the ACCA exam software and provides you with an understanding of the ACCA paper structure.

I recommend you use this feature under strict exam conditions as it will help you develop time management & pressure handling in paper.


If I’m asked about my most favorite one, I’d definitely pick Open Tuition.

Here’s why:

It is easy to navigate, provides short notes and video lectures for every ACCA paper and is FREE of cost. ALL you need to do is to sign up and login with your Account.

Their notes are short and provides a simple explanation of the syllabus topics with tips on calculations involved.

The video lectures are based on their notes and you must download the notes before taking the course.

Furthermore, the tutors on Open Tuition are active on the site and respond to questions asked regarding the topics. It also has a community section in which ACCA students all over the world collaborate with each other.


If you want to have fun studying, aCowTancy is the place. They really put effort to make the topics easier and they are pretty good at it.

As mentioned on their website, if you want to PASS papers and have fun at the same time, pick aCowTancy as your learning provider.

Personally, I have never tried their premium (Paid) courses and have just gone through some of their lectures and notes.

Are they the best? I don’t know. Are they good? Hell yeah!

London School of Business & Finance (LSBF)

Another reputed ACCA learning provider, well known for their excellent lectures and insights. LSBF provides very thorough lectures and notes for ACCA and has very good online rating.

They normally offer 7-10 lectures of 2-4 hours each for a paper which cover the whole syllabus. Also, live tuition and paper specific guidance in their premium package.

The only drawback that I find with LSBF is the Fee. LSBF charges 200-400 pounds per paper which is extremely high.

It is advisable to look up LSBF lectures on platforms like youtube. You may not access the full course there but it will give a general idea of what it’s like to study with LSBF.

Other Useful Websites for ACCA Material

Having the right material is of keen importance in ACCA. With so many websites out there, it’s a bit confusing where to get your material from.

I’m going to share a few websites that help students find important pieces of information and material like study notes, question-answer kits, and mock exams.

Here’s the list:

Economic Grapevine: Economic Grapevine uploads the latest study resources that you need in order to study for your ACCA exams. We also have detailed paper-specific exam tips, technical articles, exam-style mock exams, and a lot of other useful ACCA resources. Make sure you check out the site.

These are just a few that I know about. If you know about a valuable website for ACCA students, please share in the comment section. Also, your experience with the above-mentioned sites will help students make good decisions. Thank you for reading!

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