by Fahad Zar
6 minutes read
How ACCA exams are conducted

Gone has been the days when students would manually write papers. Welcome to the Future. Welcome to ACCA!

Some advanced and professional qualifications including ACCA have completed automated their examinations. These examinations are fully conducted on a computer connected to the server managed and controlled by the ACCA team. It’s been a few years now but a lot of potential ACCA students are still curious as to how the ACCA exams are conducted.

How does it work?

In ACCA exam centers, a lot of computers are connected to the main server which controls all of the computers. Students who opted for the exam are provided with a computer in which their ACCA IDs and paper details have been entered.

Once the student confirms his ID, the paper starts automatically and so does the countdown. In ACCA, unlike other examinations, the paper starts once the student confirms his ID and enters the required details. However, it doesn’t mean the student can come, join anytime. ACCA provides the students with a docket 2 weeks before exams, in which they mention their paper timing. The latecomers, in some cases, are not allowed to attempt the paper and ACCA cancels their booking.

“The supervisor will not allow you to enter the examination hall after the first hour of the examination.” As per the ACCA exam Rules and Regulations.

Once a student completes their paper, he/she is required to seek the invigilator’s permission to end their exam. The invigilator makes sure the paper is safely received by the main server and no technical issue arise.

However, if a student doesn’t complete their paper within time, the countdown ends and their paper is submitted automatically by the computer software.

How’s the Marking done?

As the initial 4 papers (F1, F2, F3, F4) are objective, the marking is performed by the software and result is shown on the screen at the end within seconds.

The remaining papers have 2 subjective sections in which the right answer has no definite structure or value. Hence, can’t be checked by a software. ACCA has a marking team who marks the papers as soon as an exam is conducted. Each paper is checked independently by more than one markers and the marking software ensures no marker misses an answer or part of the paper.

ACCA conducts a meeting before the marking in which clear instructions are given to the markers regarding the marking scheme and other complications.

Even after such an extensive regulation of the marking, ACCA students have the option to get their paper reviewed if they are unsatisfied with the result. An extra review fee is charged and refunded if the original markers have missed a portion or have made a mistake checking the paper.

Are the students monitored in ACCA computer-based exams?

Automation has still not reached a certain level and ACCA knows it. In ACCA computer-based exam halls, a team of invigilators is sent by ACCA’s national head office who assists and monitors the students throughout their exam. The invigilators make sure no student is involved in academic dishonesty and report such incidents to ACCA Headoffice.

Also, there are cameras installed in the majority of the exam halls monitored by ACCA officials in the main server room. Answer to the question: YES, students are closely monitored and assisted throughout their exam and a team of professionals makes sure the exam is conducted in the best possible way.

Allowed and Disallowed

Can I bring my Calculator? Of course, you can. The calculator is an accountant’s PRECIOUS! Ask the same question about your smartphone and I’ll give you a big NO. There are things that are not allowed in the ACCA exam halls. Some are:

  • Mobile Phones
  • Tablets
  • Pagers
  • Digital Watches

If you bring any of these and/or other accessories mentioned by ACCA, you must leave it outside exam hall. In most exam centers, ACCA will take your accessories and return them after the paper. However, they do not accept any responsibility for the theft, loss of, or damage to any of your valuables. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not bring any at all.

There is no dress code for the ACCA exam but you have to make sure your dress does not offend any of your fellow candidates. Here’s the ACCA’s official Exam Rules and Regulations Guide.

What if you get caught Cheating in the ACCA exam (Academic dishonesty)

Like every other qualification, ACCA also has a strict policy to restrict their students from dishonest means. Talking to your fellow candidate, using a smartphone or any other digital media during the exam, copying your fellow candidate’s answer are some examples. If the ACCA invigilators noticed any of the above activity, you’d be in big trouble.

The circumstances depend on the intensity of the activity performed. However, the most common are:

  • ACCA invigilators cancelling your exam.
  • ACCA invigilators reporting your activity to Head Office.
  • The Head Office cancelling your paper and/or suspending your ACCA registration temporarily or permanently.

Involvement in any such activity can create dire circumstances for you. Therefore, make sure you follow the ACCA exam codes and avoid any unfair mean to pass your ACCA exam.

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